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Homelessness is a global challenge.

The United Nations Human Settlements Program estimates that 1.1 billion people live in inadequate housing, and the best data available suggest that more than 100 million people have no housing at all.

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There is a paradigm shift that has taken place regarding homelessness interventions in recent years with the Housing First program - early access to permanent housing in combination with intensive social support which has been shown to improve the chances of rehousing for people experiencing homelessness. One of the largest Housing First programs in Europe was established with the Danish homelessness strategy from 2009 to...
In the wake of a disaster, community service providers go beyond normal service offerings to meet the added needs of clients. Research indicates that 25 percent of community service providers effected by a disaster would not be able to reopen after a disaster, reducing the access to vital services. This paper discusses the disaster impacts on service providers for people experiencing homelessness and the possible ways to...
This qualitative descriptive study through the lens of a transformative framework was used to identify barriers and facilitators to accessing health care as perceived by people experiencing homelessness in the regional municipality of Niagara, Canada. The barriers discovered included affordability, challenges finding primary care, the inadequacy of the psychiatric model, inappropriate management, lack of trust in health care...
This study in the state of New South Wales, Australia, explores what Specialist Homelessness Services being implemented in regard to consumer participation, what is working and what barriers to consumer participation have been encountered by both service users and providers. The study found that while consumers have some opportunities to participate, and that participation is beneficial, there were barriers to participation,...
In a mixed economic system, housing provision in Malaysia is significantly affected by both the public and private sectors. The urbanization level in Malaysia has increased significantly, from 34.2% in 1980 to 71% in 2010, on track to reach 75% by the year 2020, and up to 80% by 2030. This will significantly increase the demand for housing. Issues in affordability is prevalent and has becoming more crucial in recent years....
This report examines health services use and population dynamics among the aging homeless population in Los Angeles. Evidence suggests that adverse health outcomes lead to homelessness, and the conditions related to homelessness lead to or exacerbate a range of health problems. In addition, the barriers to accessing preventative and primary care while homeless lead to receipt of healthcare only when morbidities are more acute...
The Royal Perth Hospital (RPH) Homeless Team is a collaboration between RPH and Homeless Healthcare (HHC) General Practice. The RPH Homeless Team provides in-reach General Practitioner (GP) care, enhanced care coordination and discharge planning that improves continuity of care for RPH patients experiencing homelessness. Based on the UK Pathway model, the RPH Homeless Team works to link patients with services that address...
This resource provides foundational evidence for understanding the scale, scope, and urgency of youth homelessness in America and ways of addressing it.
This article proposes a theoretical framework that links the versatile roles that local businesses can play in addressing various dimensions of human needs. This theoretical framework is illustrated through two models in Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles, which focus on the role of business improvement districts (BIDs) and a social enterprise intervention (SEI), respectively. These models demonstrate that the business...
The Partnerships to Demonstrate the Effectiveness of Supportive Housing, funded by the US Department of Health and Human Services was designed to explore the effects of providing housing and intensive services to high-need families in the child welfare system. Demonstration sites created new service delivery structures to accomplish set goals worked more intensively than ever with partner agencies and changed agency policies...
This research progresses the priority areas identified by the National Mental Health Commission and provides evidence about the systemic issues and policy levers to provide housing and services for people with lived experience with mental ill health.
To what extent does soccer increase the capability of the homeless and those living on the street? This study addresses this question by focusing on the ways in which the Homeless World Cup and Street Soccer (Scotland) have impacted the lives of some individuals. Primary source data obtained from a series of interviews are situated within Sen’s capability approach to social choice theory. The implications of the study...
This research highlights how the strength of a group of mobilized slum dwellers was harnessed to bring in change in their housing condition. The community, with active support from a non-government organization, was able to develop housing for themselves. The article demonstrates that assisted community housing as an approach is capable of offering a sustainable housing development solution in a resource-constrained country...
Affordable housing is increasingly developed, financed and managed by a mix of state, third-sector, market, and community actors. This has led to the emergence of various hybrid governance and finance arrangements. This development can be seen as part of a general long-term neoliberal trend in government policies and social, cultural and economic developments.  This article discusses innovative hybrid arrangements from...
This paper analyzes the relative merits of large place- and tenant-based housing programs in Finland in terms of housing affordability and neighborhood quality. Using hedonic regression methods and household microdata, the findings reveal that rent savings to public housing tenants are considerable and comparable in size to the housing allowance. Furthermore, this public housing subsidy is less targeted towards low-income...
The Advocates’ Guide: An Educational Primer on Federal Programs and Resources Related to Affordable Housing and Community Development, is a guide to affordable housing with useful resources and practical know-how written by leading experts in the affordable housing and community development field with a singular purpose—to educate advocates and affordable housing providers of all kinds about the programs and policies that...
This Impact Report outlines the successes and challenges of the first three years of the European End Street Homelessness Campaign – a network of cities sharing experiences to tackle street homelessness in their local areas. Through this campaign, World Habitat is working with an increasing number of European cities to end street homelessness by helping them adopt new ideas which have been proven to work.
This article examines entries into homelessness among adults who identify as LGBTQ2S (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit). Twenty LGBTQ2S adults who were currently or formerly homeless participated in one qualitative interview. Results demonstrated that the participants listed both structural (i.e., discrimination) and intrapersonal (i.e., substance use) variables related to their homelessness. In...
This paper argues that India’s housing strategy should not be confined to merely creating affordable housing stock to tackle the shortage, as such an approach is myopic. Instead, a sound housing strategy must be informed by an adequate understanding of the multiple facets of housing poverty, including the factors that are responsible for the proliferation of slums. The blueprint offered in this paper understands an effective...