1.1 Coordinated Access and Assessment: Calgary, Alberta

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The purpose of this research process was to document the Coordinated Access and Assessment (CAA) program’s formative process, and to inform the ongoing development of the CAA in Calgary. Data collection included participant observation at CAA’s storefront location, in relevant internal meetings at the Calgary Homeless Foundation (CHF), and at Placement Committee meetings where clients are matched to programs. It included an extensive review of internal CHF and CAA documents and of the literature regarding Housing First and coordinated intake programs. CAA has transformed a fragmented collection of agencies and programs into a highly collaborative, coordinated system for assessing and placing Calgarians experiencing homelessness into housing. The CAA program was established in a very efficient and flexible manner due to the leadership of the CHF. It is recommended that the CHF engage the community in taking ownership of CAA and in establishing a strategic direction, logic model and ongoing governance for the program.

Publication Date: 
Canadian Observatory on Homelessness
Naomi Nichols; Carey Doberstein
Resource book subchapter pages
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United States