
Train for Trades uses the slogan “On Time. On Code. On Budget.” as part of their evaluation process. This means that they finish their construction projects as scheduled while still meeting all code requirements and inspections. They also, especially as they move towards the social enterprise model, work to meet budget forecasts. A detailed analysis of how the construction budgets are reviewed is examined in the Changes to T4T for 2015/16 section.

Since 2008, the following work has been completed:

  • 240 basement retrofits for Newfoundland Labrador Housing Corporation
  • 4 M&I's (Modernization & Improvement) renovations completed, 2 almost complete (also for Newfoundland Labrador Housing Corporation)
  • Lilly Building Renovated for Choices for Youth
  • Duckworth Street Renovated for Choices for Youth
  • St. John's Native Friendship Centre Renovated
  • 24 X 30 Foot Extension Completed for MacMorran Community Centre
  • 16 X 20 ft. Garage Complete for Private Customer
  • 40 x 60 ft. horse barn completed for Waypoints
  • Various work completed for private construction company 

Train for Trades has had its Certificate of Recognition™ status since 2010.  As discussed previously, COR™ is a certification given to employers in the construction industry by the Newfoundland Labrador Construction Safety Association. Maintaining the standards of the COR™ requirements is key to the success of the program. The fact that T4T is able to renew their certification annually is a significant measurement of success.

As the biggest client of Train for Trades, the fact that the Newfoundland Labrador Housing Corporation (NLHC) has continued to renew its partnership and in fact, has expanded the scope of the work speaks to the success of the program. Dennis Kendell, Regional Operations Executive Director at NLHC, was very clear that the work being done is of high quality and meets both city and NLHC inspections.

Someone might buy something or a service from a social enterprise once because it’s a good cause. But the only way – just like any other business – they’re coming back two, three, four, ten, twenty times is if you do good quality work. You think about Newfoundland Labrador Housing for example. We’ve done a little over 240 units of energy retrofit at this point. All lived in, occupied homes. We’ve had zero complaints and have been consistently recognized for the quality of our work being as good, or better, than work done by the private sector in the same area.” —Sheldon Pollett, Executive Director, Choices for Youth