
The media is a key stakeholder in any PiT Count. A PiT Count provides the opportunity to build public support for addressing homelessness; it provides a platform to discuss the issue and combat stereotypes that individuals experiencing homelessness face. However, the benefits of an increased public discourse on homelessness can only be realised if the media has accurate information about the purpose of a PiT Count and its role in the effort to end homelessness.

“Building strong relationships with media, early in the planning process, can improve volunteer recruitment, encourage stakeholder participation and shed light on the issue of homelessness. However, the safety and confidentiality of survey participants should be protected at all times. Procedures must be in place to work with media before, during and after the count.”

- Excerpt from the COH Point-in-Time Count Toolkit

Youth Count Resource!

Download a sample press release for your Youth Count.

A Focus on Youth

While a PiT Count provides an opportunity to build awareness about homelessness, a Youth Count creates a platform to redefine public perceptions about homeless youth. Too often – in-part due to media depictions - youth experiencing homelessness are characterized as delinquent, trouble-making and rebellious. In reality, a wide range of youth, with vastly different experiences, can find themselves without housing. The Youth Count is an opportunity to change the conversation; the media can be your greatest ally in this effort. Consider training one or more of your Youth Count Subcommittee members to engage with the media, from a youth perspective.

Media engagement can improve your Youth Count in the following ways:


Consider branding your count. This can increase media attention and buzz. Seek input from your Youth Subcommittee on branding to appeal to youth. Create stickers, posters and hashtags to promote the brand.

  • Volunteer recruitment will improve as your media partners build buzz and excitement about the Youth Count;
  • A youth-informed social media strategy will improve the likelihood that youth are aware of and support the count, thereby improving participation; and
  • Media coverage can catalyze change, encouraging the public to join the effort to end youth homelessness through volunteering, voting and advocacy.

More information

Refer to the COH Point in Time Count Toolkit: Media Engagement for guidance on:

  • Building media contacts
  • Developing a communications plan
  • Negotiating media participation and
  • Drafting press releases

Helpful Resource

Engaging the Media with PiT Count Data – National Alliance to End Homelessness

Building Alignment: Tips & Strategies

Work with the general PiT Count organizers to develop a communications plan. You will need to determine whether the counts will be branded separately or as one cohesive initiative. Where the counts are led by different lead agencies, or involve separate streams of funding, it may be necessary to differentiate the branding. Either way, ensure the media and the public know that the counts are aligned efforts. Where possible, use clear and consistent messaging.