2.1 It’s A Kiki...

This case study highlights a pilot program focused on homelessness prevention through family preservation work with households that include LGBTQ2S[1] children, and caregivers who demonstrate rejecting behaviours toward their child based on sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression (SOGIE). The Ruth Ellis Center (REC), an agency with a specific mission to serve LGBTQ youth experiencing barriers to housing, health and wellbeing, in partnership with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, launched this home-based initiative for families referred primarily through Child Protective Services (CPS) as well as for other youth providers. The stories of four different families will be shared in this case study, each story highlighting important considerations when doing systems of care work. Possible suggestions to initiate similar work in different communities to prevent and mitigate homelessness among LGBTQ2S youth are shared for consideration.

[1] REC works with American Indian Health and Family Services to facilitate two spirit support and referrals.  However, there have not been any families in the program so far who identify as two-spirit, First Nation or American Indian.

Publication Date: 
Canadian Observatory on Homelessness
Alex Abramovich
Jama Shelton